Which is better, React JS or React Native?

ReactJS is among the most widely used libraries to build web-based applications. React Native is a framework that is based upon React JS, intended for the direct development of mobile applications and utilizing all the advantages of the former.

Many will inform you that the former is among the most popular, and arguably the most popular – JavaScript library available and the latter is quickly making its mark on the market as well. That’s a significant feat considering the options that range across Cordova up to AngularJS along with Vue.

So, what is it that makes these libraries so popular? what are their benefits and what are the best times to make use of React in place of React Native? Here’s all you should be aware of the key React as well as React Native distinctions.

Table of Contents

Which is better, React JS or React Native?

What is React JS?

React JS is often called “React” – is a JavaScript library that is designed to create the view layer in applications that run on mobile devices and the web. As with most frameworks, React JS is a library of components that are reusable and designed to assist developers in creating the necessary skeletons of their applications.

In this particular instance, React is designed with reuseable UI elements in the back of yours. It was launched by Facebook in the year 2011 and has been growing by leaps and bounds. It’s also open-source which helps facilitate the active and growing community.

Examples of React JS in Action

React was designed to work with the view layer. As such, it’s utilized in conjunction with the controller and model layers (three vital logic modules required for applications) within the MVC framework. Therefore, we’ll see it in a variety of well-known services.

It’s not surprising that Facebook makes use of React JS in its web client. As they work on the library, Facebook is able to make sure that it will meet their exact and ever-growing requirements. Naturally, this also makes it useful for other users.

Instagram which is also controlled by Facebook also owned by Facebook, utilizes React more extensively. API requests that are made using Google Maps, geolocation services, and even the ability to search and tag are all supported by React’s framework.

What is React Native?

If React is so great then what exactly do you think of React Native, and who is using it?

It’s true that React Native was developed by Facebook following React to cater to the growing demands of mobile users. It’s a different mobile framework that is founded on JavaScript and implemented as an open-source project.

This time, it’s specifically designed to build native mobile apps (in Windows as well as iOS and Android) quickly, using modular components. It is a part of ReactJS however, it allows you to implement the same functionality in a native manner for all platforms, hence its term (as ReactJS was taken).

In essence, React Native still uses React for its base abstraction however the library’s components are distinct. Therefore, in the end, it’s just a different version of React that was designed to serve different purposes.

Examples of React Native in Action

It’s not a surprise that Facebook’s mobile apps are developed using React Native. However, this isn’t just the main app. Facebook Ads was the first native application built using React Native for Android.

Outside of the giant of social media, Uber Eats is another excellent illustration. The original dashboard they created for restaurant owners (instead of delivery customers and partners) made use of React however like we’ve discussed previously the framework’s limitations, it’s not the best to mobile development. 

It was logical that Uber’s team would use React Native, which is a smaller version – especially considering that they had very little experience directly developing on Android as well as iOS platforms. React Native isn’t extensively used yet, however, Uber Eats has shown how crucial it is in aiding them in their transition into larger mobile operations.

In the same way, Tesla also uses React Native to develop applications that can be used with both their Powerwall battery as well as their smart car devices. Since the company is currently creating apps to can control (to a degree) cars remotely, it is clear the capabilities React Native has to offer.

React vs React Native - What's Different?

We’ve previously mentioned that React is designed to be used in web applications, whereas React Native is ideal for cross-platform mobile development. What are the other significant React as well as React Native differentiators?

React Navigation vs React Native Navigation

We have already mentioned that the two applications use different components and libraries, despite having common origins which is never better than when we talk about navigation. Navigation is, after all, a subject with distinct features and requirements for mobile apps and websites.

React Native is specifically designed to make use of native support, which means that it will deploy its initial JavaScript to native devices. 

Therefore, its primary goal is to provide the best mobile-friendly performance. It has also been enhanced by React Native Screens, offering the most mobile-specific options, which traditional web pages don’t have to worry about.

React Navigation is simpler since it’s powered by React directly and completely implemented within JavaScript. This makes it perfect to load web pages, as an instance.

Virtual DOM & DOM Refreshes

In websites and apps in web pages and apps, it is the Domain Object Model (DOM) is an essential element for the display and ordering of elements. The way frameworks and libraries deal with the DOM can be a significant method to control the way they are used.

React is renowned for using the Virtual DOM that uses a partial refresh. This has proved to be generally more efficient than a complete alternative. Because that the Virtual DOM is faster, which results in faster rebuilding, it leads to faster and better performance.

It’s also worth noting that it’s using its predecessor React DOM, for its base abstraction. React Native is, on its own, has to utilize native APIs in rendering UI components. Additionally, React Native uses React for abstraction, but as we’ve already discussed, React uses React DOM which means there’s more work involved.

TL;DR - React vs React Native

React is the ideal choice if you’re trying to create a highly dynamic and extremely efficient user interface with a focus on web-based apps. 

But, if you’d like to achieve the same result in a native mobile app and at a much faster rate of development speed across iOS or Android, React Native is an extremely robust JavaScript library that pushes the hybrid world of cross-platform design to the limit.


Coming to the conclusion you would have surely understood that both React Native and Reactjs are equally important for successful web and app development. And day-by-day these technologies are pushing their potential with an evolving network of libraries and flexible functionalities.